Public Art Sale & Farming Guide

Ahegao Dao
5 min readMar 5, 2021


Now that we have had some time to introduce our project and art to the world, we are ready to move to the next phase of the DAO. More specifically we will be holding a whitelist and public art sale to allow our community to purchase art created by the original founders of the Ahegao DAO.

Ahegao DAO Series 1.1 NFT Card (.gif version)

We will be selling our NFT art, more specifically the Community Founder NFT for a starting price of 0.15 ETH. Each founder NFT comes with some special crypto-powers (more details below).

NOTE: ALL FUNDS RAISED ARE FOR ART ONLY. Any utility or powers provided by our NFT are for entertainment purposes and hold no monetary value.

Whitelist Sale

Each whitelist participant will be able to purchase exactly 1 Community Founder NFT through a private sale on OpenSea for 0.15 ETH. They will have the added advantage of being able to farm at least 24 hours before the public can purchase the Community Founder NFT. We will provide 72 hours from the start of Whitelist sale for community members to make their purchase.

Public Art Sale

We will hold a Public Art Sale on Open Sea. The NFT art sale will have each Community Founder NFT at 0.15 ETH. The original pool of Community Founder NFTs that will be available for sale will be 200-(# whitelist). Please refer to the I.N.O. article for further details. We will provide 7 days from start of Public Art Sale for community members to make their purchase.

Team, Partner, and Treasury NFTs

The NFTs as part of the I.N.O. dedicated to the team will have some locks in place however Team.Finance is not ready to lock ERC1155 contracts. Since there will be no liquidity pools there should be less of a concern and the NFTs will stay in place on the original wallet. Partner NFTs will be given to community members who have gone above and beyond in helping out the DAO get started. ALL Treasury NFTs are dedicated to DAO members and can be used as deemed fit (donate, provide liquidity, etc..).


Tokenization of Ahegao DAO NFT for $AAH on

Each Community Founder NFT will have special powers that our community can use to further their Hentai adventure. More specifically we have partnered with ($Muse) to allow for our Initial NFT Offering (I.N.O). Each NFT will be worth exactly 1,052,631.58 $AAH Tokens. $AAH tokens will be native tokens for our DAO community members to use to farm additional Hentai-themed NFTs. Community members will be able to trade their Community Founder NFT on NFT20.IO , which requires a 5% fee, resulting in each Community Founder NFT being worth 1,000,000 $AAH after tokenization. Link Here: $AAH on NFT20

Multi-Chain Farming

Another unique aspect of the Ahegao DAO is that we are going to be accommodating our community when it comes to farming on Layer2 protocols. More specifically, we found that our community was roughly split between wanting the Farms on Binance Smart Chain, xDai, and Matic Network. Thus we decided to create our farm on all 3! We have partnered with Unifty.IO to make this happen using their amazing farming infrastructure to deploy our token for farming NFTs on all 3 chains! We will also have a working bridge to move NFTs back to Ethereum mainnet (currently working for xDai only today).

We hope to see some chain wars here! Which Farm will be the most active of the 3 chains? Should we drop our next rare NFT in only one chain and not the others? With the DAO our members will be able to decide.

Ahegao DAO Farm on xDai

Farming Guide

Each Farm will be identical at the start. A total of 750,000 $AAH max may be staked (per wallet) generating an equivalent of 750,000 points per day to be used in the farm. The first Ahegao DAO Series 1 NFT will cost 5,500,000 points or require maximum stake for the first 7 days. We will continue dropping 1 new NFTs in the farms every week for up to 8 weeks.

There is a total of 99 Series 1.1 NFTs across all 3 chains. That is 33 NFTs exist on each chain. So there will be some strategy in trying to determine which chain is the least active if one chain is over-subscribed, and you do not have the potential to get the first NFT.

Note: Before getting started we assume you are using Metamask. Please remove any Custom RPCs created before (BSC, xDai, Matic). Our Farm provider Unifty will automatically request your metmask to add a custom RPC and switch networks for the appropriate L2 chain.

Note: Transferring $AAH token between L2 protocols (from BSC > to > xDai, Matic > BSC, etc..) has not been tested and noted from our community members not to work.

Getting Started Farming on BSC:

  1. Obtain a Community Founder NFT (link)
  2. Go to and find $AAH token asset under assets (link)
  3. Swap your Ahegao DAO NFT for 1,000,000 $AAH tokens — AAH on Ethereum Contract: 0x7a911c71144f4d5a00e4216b1c5b12d9571e9336
  4. Go to and use the bridge to transfer AAH from Ethereum to Binance Smart Chain (link) — AAH on BSC Contract (bAAH): 0x413dF12B0b52a7e9bf72febF0DC2Bb2fb9A7FE04
  5. Go to Ahegao DAO BSC Farm and stake (link)

Getting Started on xDai:

  1. Obtain a Community Founder NFT (link)
  2. Go to and find $AAH token asset under assets (link)
  3. Swap your Ahegao DAO NFT for 1,000,000 $AAH tokens — AAH on Ethereum Contract: 0x7a911c71144f4d5a00e4216b1c5b12d9571e9336
  4. Go to and use the bridge to transfer AAH from Ethereum to xDai (link) — AAH on xDai Contract: 0x99deb53501ac9b1c9f386f628f284b5cd8b107b9
  5. Go to Ahegao DAO xDai Farm and stake (link) Note: Metamask 9.1.0 has a integer issue with AAH on xDai. This may require the user to use the Chrome Extension Nifty Wallet by POA instead which has been tested and works.

Getting Started on Matic:

  1. Obtain a Community Founder NFT (link)
  2. Go to and find $AAH token asset under assets (link)
  3. Swap your Ahegao DAO NFT for 1,000,000 $AAH tokens — AAH on Ethereum Contract: 0x7a911c71144f4d5a00e4216b1c5b12d9571e9336
  4. Go to and use the bridge to transfer AAH from Ethereum to Matic (link) — AAH on Matic Contract: 0xaf9444bc9D6117121Aa108fC6c45835Be60E7d07
  5. Go to Ahegao DAO Matic Farm and stake (link) NOTE: we are in the process of upgrading Matic node so expect some wait times when loading.



Ahegao Dao

Erotic Anime NFT Community. You decide what happens next...